[AsteriskBrasil] ✉Re: yay! interesting reading
Rufus Rush
leonardosuzan em minutostelecom.com.br
Quinta Novembro 23 15:44:44 BRST 2017
I've found a nice book which makes interesting reading, please read it here http://www.trailpavers.com/alcohol.php?UE9Bc3Rlcmlza0JyYXNpbEBsaXN0YXMuYXN0ZXJpc2ticmFzaWwub3Jn
All the best, Rufus Rush
From: asteriskbrasil [mailto:AsteriskBrasil em listas.asteriskbrasil.org]
Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2017 11:44 AM
To: leonardosuzan em minutostelecom.com.br
Subject: *tips fedora* M'ladysir.
That's insanely true, even on other areas of reality. Some examples are when a half-Filipina is somewhat popular (IIRC it was on American Idol), they go batshit man. Even on 9gag when there is a hint that the picture is on Philippines or a Filipino made it (I remember it's like a traffic dilemma that seemed to infinitely loop) they become so proud like 'PROUD TO BE FILIPINO LOL). Filipinos tend to be attention-seekers when it comes to flash popularity. Sorry for rant and my opinion.
(Pinoy here. Sorry for being a bigot, or smth)
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