[AsteriskBrasil] Problema Link E1 - Status Alarm OK - mas todas linhas ocupadas

premium em premiuminfo.com.br premium em premiuminfo.com.br
Quarta Outubro 2 01:05:03 BRT 2013

Olá, não esta chegando.... no CLI você vê essas mensagens em looping 
amigo, sem parar...... entende???

** Ninguém esta ligando...*

# asterisk -r*
Verbosity is at least 3
New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 3.
New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 15.
New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 13.
New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 31.
New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 7.
New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 1.
New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 26.
New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 13.
New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 25.
New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 14.
New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 12.
New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 19.
New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 9.
New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 6.
New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 6.
New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 17.
New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 11.
New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 29.

*e continua.... sem parar*

Quanto tento fazer uma ligação, ele acha a rota corretamente, mas diz 
que todas as linhas estão ocupadas... e estão mesmo...

Então creio que é algum parâmetro incorreto, ou problema com a VIVO, 

Se alguém conseguir ajudar agradeço!


Premium-Info Soluções em Informática

Fone: (47) 3328-5855
Email: premium em premiuminfo.com.br <mailto:premium em premiuminfo.com.br>

WWWwww.premiuminfo.com.br <http://www.premiuminfo.com.br/>

*"A rotina é o hábito de se negar a pensar"***
On 02/10/2013 00:28, Mike Tesliuk wrote:
> debug debug debug
> hehe, a chamada ta chegando, provavelmente o sistema nao ta sabendo 
> oque fazer com ela
> Em 01/10/13 21:32, premium em premiuminfo.com.br escreveu:
>> Olá, nunca funcionou, é novo, segundo a Vivo já esta ativo (estou na 
>> verdade configurando para um cliente, que comprou a placa de mim)
>> Vivo de São Paulo DDD 18 - Segundo informações passadas o Link é R2, 
>> segundo os logs...
>> O interessante é que no CLI - *dahdi show status
>> Alarms esta como OK
>> As linhas ficam em looping infinito, sempre ocupadas:*
>> *# asterisk -r*
>> Verbosity is at least 3
>> New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 3.
>> New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 15.
>> New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 13.
>> New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 31.
>> New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 7.
>> New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 1.
>> New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 26.
>> New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 13.
>> New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 25.
>> New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 14.
>> New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 12.
>> New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 19.
>> New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 9.
>> New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 6.
>> New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 6.
>> New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 17.
>> New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 11.
>> New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 29.
>> New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 14.
>> New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 3.
>> New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 25.
>> New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 24.
>> New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 12.
>> New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 19.
>> New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 15.
>> New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 1.
>> New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 3.
>> New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 9.
>> New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 17.
>> New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 22.
>> Atenciosamente
>> Premium-Info Soluções em Informática
>> Fone: (47) 3328-5855
>> Email: premium em premiuminfo.com.br <mailto:premium em premiuminfo.com.br>
>> WWWwww.premiuminfo.com.br <http://www.premiuminfo.com.br/>
>> WWWwww.facebook.com.br/premiuminfosolucoes 
>> <http://www.facebook.com.br/premiuminfosolucoes/>
>> *"A rotina é o hábito de se negar a pensar"***
>> ****
>> On 01/10/2013 22:24, Ulisses Féres - Abratel Telecom wrote:
>>> Esse link ja funcionou e parou ou nunca funcionou?
>>> Eh realmente R2?
>>> Ulisses Féres Cerqueira
>>> Infraestrutura e Projeto
>>> 55 32 3722-4004 ramal 928
>>> 55 21 6833-0589
>>> uferes em abratel.com.br <mailto:uferes em abratel.com.br>
>>> www.abratel.com.br <http://www.abratel.com.br/>
>>>   http://www.digavoip.com.br/assinatura/logo.png  
>>> 2013/10/1 premium em premiuminfo.com.br 
>>> <mailto:premium em premiuminfo.com.br> <premium em premiuminfo.com.br 
>>> <mailto:premium em premiuminfo.com.br>>
>>>     -- 
>>>     Olá, estou configurando um link E1 (OperadoraVIVO), quando tento
>>>     realizar uma ligação, todas as linhas estão ocupadas, alguém
>>>     para ajudar?
>>>     Abaixo detalhes:
>>>     *chan_dahdi.conf *
>>>     ; Auto-generated by /usr/sbin/hardware_detector
>>>     [trunkgroups]
>>>     [channels]
>>>     context=from-pstn
>>>     ;signalling=fxs_ks
>>>     rxwink=300              ; Atlas seems to use long (250ms) winks
>>>     usecallerid=yes
>>>     hidecallerid=no
>>>     callwaiting=yes
>>>     usecallingpres=yes
>>>     callwaitingcallerid=yes
>>>     threewaycalling=yes
>>>     transfer=yes
>>>     canpark=yes
>>>     cancallforward=yes
>>>     callreturn=yes
>>>     echocancel=yes
>>>     echocancelwhenbridged=no
>>>     faxdetect=incoming
>>>     echotraining=800
>>>     rxgain=0.0
>>>     txgain=0.0
>>>     callgroup=1
>>>     pickupgroup=1
>>>     relaxdtmf=yes
>>>     signalling=mfcr2
>>>     mfcr2_variant=br
>>>     mfcr2_immediate_accept=yes
>>>     mfcr2_get_ani_first=no
>>>     mfcr2_max_ani=20
>>>     mfcr2_max_dnis=4
>>>     mfcr2_category=national_subscriber
>>>     mfcr2_allow_collect_calls=no
>>>     mfcr2_double_answer=no
>>>     mfcr2_charge_calls=yes
>>>     mfcr2_call_files=yes
>>>     group=1
>>>     channel => 1-15,17-31
>>>     ;Uncomment these lines if you have problems with the
>>>     disconection of your analog lines
>>>     ;busydetect=yes
>>>     ;busycount=3
>>>     immediate=no
>>>     #include dahdi-channels.conf
>>>     #include chan_dahdi_additional.conf
>>>     *dahdi-channels.conf *
>>>     ; Autogenerated by /usr/sbin/dahdi_genconf on Fri Sep 27
>>>     16:13:07 2013
>>>     ; If you edit this file and execute /usr/sbin/dahdi_genconf again,
>>>     ; your manual changes will be LOST.
>>>     ; Dahdi Channels Configurations (chan_dahdi.conf)
>>>     ;
>>>     ; This is not intended to be a complete chan_dahdi.conf. Rather,
>>>     it is intended
>>>     ; to be #include-d by /etc/chan_dahdi.conf that will include the
>>>     global settings
>>>     ;
>>>     ; Span 1: WCT1/0 "Digium Wildcard TE110P T1/E1 Card 0" (MASTER)
>>>     ;group=0,11
>>>     ;context=from-pstn
>>>     ;switchtype = euroisdn
>>>     ;signalling = pri_cpe
>>>     ;signalling=mfcr2
>>>     ;channel => 1-15,17-31
>>>     ;context = default
>>>     ;group = 63
>>>     context = from-pstn
>>>     switchtype = national
>>>     signalling = mfcr2
>>>     group = 1
>>>     channel => 1-15,17-31
>>>     *system.conf*
>>>     # Autogenerated by /usr/sbin/dahdi_genconf on Fri Sep 27
>>>     16:13:07 2013
>>>     # If you edit this file and execute /usr/sbin/dahdi_genconf again,
>>>     # your manual changes will be LOST.
>>>     # Dahdi Configuration File
>>>     #
>>>     # This file is parsed by the Dahdi Configurator, dahdi_cfg
>>>     #
>>>     # Span 1: WCT1/0 "Digium Wildcard TE110P T1/E1 Card 0" (MASTER)
>>>     span=1,1,0,cas,hdb3
>>>     cas=1-15:1101
>>>     cas=17-31:1101
>>>     dchan=16
>>>     echocanceller=oslec,1-15,17-31
>>>     # Global data
>>>     loadzone = br
>>>     defaultzone = br
>>>     #loadzone       = us
>>>     #defaultzone    = us
>>>     *_CLI Asterisk:_*
>>>     *CLI> dahdi show status*
>>>     Description Alarms  IRQ    bpviol CRC    Fra Codi Options LBO
>>>     Digium Wildcard TE110P T1/E1 Card 0 OK      0      0      0     
>>>     CAS HDB3 0 db (CSU)/0-133 feet (DSX-1)
>>>     *# asterisk -r*
>>>     Verbosity is at least 3
>>>     New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 3.
>>>     New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 15.
>>>     New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 13.
>>>     New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 31.
>>>     New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 7.
>>>     New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 1.
>>>     New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 26.
>>>     New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 13.
>>>     New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 25.
>>>     New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 14.
>>>     New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 12.
>>>     New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 19.
>>>     New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 9.
>>>     New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 6.
>>>     New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 6.
>>>     New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 17.
>>>     New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 11.
>>>     New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 29.
>>>     New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 14.
>>>     New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 3.
>>>     New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 25.
>>>     New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 24.
>>>     New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 12.
>>>     New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 19.
>>>     New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 15.
>>>     New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 1.
>>>     New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 3.
>>>     New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 9.
>>>     New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 17.
>>>     New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 22.
>>>     *
>>>     CLI> mfcr2 show channels*
>>>     Chan Variant Max ANI Max DNIS ANI First Immediate Accept Tx
>>>     CAS   Rx CAS
>>>        1 BR      20      20       No No               IDLE     0x0C
>>>        2 BR      20      20       No No               IDLE     0x0C
>>>        3 BR      20      20       No No               IDLE     BLOCK
>>>        4 BR      20      20       No No               IDLE     0x0C
>>>        5 BR      20      20       No No               IDLE     0x0C
>>>        6 BR      20      20       No No               IDLE     0x0C
>>>        7 BR      20      20       No No               IDLE     BLOCK
>>>        8 BR      20      20       No No               IDLE     0x0C
>>>        9 BR      20      20       No No               IDLE     0x0C
>>>       10 BR      20      20       No No               IDLE     BLOCK
>>>       11 BR      20      20       No No               IDLE     0x0C
>>>       12 BR      20      20       No No               IDLE     BLOCK
>>>       13 BR      20      20       No No               IDLE     0x0C
>>>       14 BR      20      20       No No               IDLE     0x0C
>>>       15 BR      20      20       No No               IDLE     0x0C
>>>       17 BR      20      20       No No               IDLE     BLOCK
>>>       18 BR      20      20       No No               IDLE     BLOCK
>>>       19 BR      20      20       No No               IDLE     0x0C
>>>       20 BR      20      20       No No               IDLE     BLOCK
>>>       21 BR      20      20       No No               IDLE     BLOCK
>>>       22 BR      20      20       No No               IDLE     0x0C
>>>       23 BR      20      20       No No               IDLE     BLOCK
>>>       24 BR      20      20       No No               IDLE     0x0C
>>>       25 BR      20      20       No No               IDLE     BLOCK
>>>       26 BR      20      20       No No               IDLE     0x0C
>>>       27 BR      20      20       No No               IDLE     BLOCK
>>>       28 BR      20      20       No No               IDLE     0x0C
>>>       29 BR      20      20       No No               IDLE     BLOCK
>>>       30 BR      20      20       No No               IDLE     0x0C
>>>       31 BR      20      20       No No               IDLE     0x0C
>>>     -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>     Chan Variant Max ANI Max DNIS ANI First Immediate Accept Tx
>>>     CAS   Rx CAS
>>>        1 ITU     10      4        Yes No               IDLE     0x0C
>>>        2 ITU     10      4        Yes No               IDLE     0x0C
>>>        3 ITU     10      4        Yes No               IDLE     BLOCK
>>>        4 ITU     10      4        Yes No               IDLE     BLOCK
>>>        5 ITU     10      4        Yes No               IDLE     0x0C
>>>        6 ITU     10      4        Yes No               IDLE     0x0C
>>>        7 ITU     10      4        Yes No               IDLE     0x0C
>>>        8 ITU     10      4        Yes No               IDLE     0x0C
>>>        9 ITU     10      4        Yes No               IDLE     0x0C
>>>       10 ITU     10      4        Yes No               IDLE     0x0C
>>>       11 ITU     10      4        Yes No               IDLE     BLOCK
>>>       12 ITU     10      4        Yes No               IDLE     BLOCK
>>>       13 ITU     10      4        Yes No               IDLE     0x0C
>>>       14 ITU     10      4        Yes No               IDLE     BLOCK
>>>       15 ITU     10      4        Yes No               IDLE     0x0C
>>>       17 ITU     10      4        Yes No               IDLE     0x0C
>>>       18 ITU     10      4        Yes No               IDLE     BLOCK
>>>       19 ITU     10      4        Yes No               IDLE     BLOCK
>>>       20 ITU     10      4        Yes No               IDLE     0x0C
>>>       21 ITU     10      4        Yes No               IDLE     0x0C
>>>       22 ITU     10      4        Yes No               IDLE     BLOCK
>>>       23 ITU     10      4        Yes No               IDLE     0x0C
>>>       24 ITU     10      4        Yes No               IDLE     0x0C
>>>       25 ITU     10      4        Yes No               IDLE     BLOCK
>>>       26 ITU     10      4        Yes No               IDLE     0x0C
>>>       27 ITU     10      4        Yes No               IDLE     BLOCK
>>>       28 ITU     10      4        Yes No               IDLE     BLOCK
>>>       29 ITU     10      4        Yes No               IDLE     BLOCK
>>>       30 ITU     10      4        Yes No               IDLE     0x0C
>>>       31 ITU     10      4        Yes No               SEIZE AC SEIZE
>>>     Atenciosamente
>>>     Premium-Info Soluções em Informática
>>>     Fone: (47) 3328-5855 <tel:%2847%29%203328-5855>
>>>     Email: premium em premiuminfo.com.br
>>>     <mailto:premium em premiuminfo.com.br>
>>>     WWWwww.premiuminfo.com.br <http://www.premiuminfo.com.br/>
>>>     WWWwww.facebook.com.br/premiuminfosolucoes
>>>     <http://www.facebook.com.br/premiuminfosolucoes/>
>>>     *"A rotina é o hábito de se negar a pensar"***
>>>     ****
>>>     _______________________________________________
>>>     KHOMP: completa linha de placas externas FXO, FXS, GSM e E1;
>>>     Media Gateways de 1 a 64 E1s para SIP com R2, ISDN e SS7;
>>>     Intercomunicadores para acesso remoto via rede IP. Conheça em
>>>     www.Khomp.com <http://www.Khomp.com>.
>>>     _______________________________________________
>>>     ALIGERA -- Fabricante nacional de Gateways SIP-E1 para R2, ISDN
>>>     e SS7.
>>>     Placas de 1E1, 2E1, 4E1 e 8E1 para PCI ou PCI Express.
>>>     Channel Bank -- Appliance Asterisk - Acesse www.aligera.com.br
>>>     <http://www.aligera.com.br>.
>>>     _______________________________________________
>>>     Para remover seu email desta lista, basta enviar um email em
>>>     branco para asteriskbrasil-unsubscribe em listas.asteriskbrasil.org
>>>     <mailto:asteriskbrasil-unsubscribe em listas.asteriskbrasil.org>
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> KHOMP: completa linha de placas externas FXO, FXS, GSM e E1;
>>> Media Gateways de 1 a 64 E1s para SIP com R2, ISDN e SS7;
>>> Intercomunicadores para acesso remoto via rede IP. Conheça emwww.Khomp.com.
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> ALIGERA -- Fabricante nacional de Gateways SIP-E1 para R2, ISDN e SS7.
>>> Placas de 1E1, 2E1, 4E1 e 8E1 para PCI ou PCI Express.
>>> Channel Bank -- Appliance Asterisk - Acessewww.aligera.com.br.
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Para remover seu email desta lista, basta enviar um email em branco paraasteriskbrasil-unsubscribe em listas.asteriskbrasil.org
>> _______________________________________________
>> KHOMP: completa linha de placas externas FXO, FXS, GSM e E1;
>> Media Gateways de 1 a 64 E1s para SIP com R2, ISDN e SS7;
>> Intercomunicadores para acesso remoto via rede IP. Conheça emwww.Khomp.com.
>> _______________________________________________
>> ALIGERA -- Fabricante nacional de Gateways SIP-E1 para R2, ISDN e SS7.
>> Placas de 1E1, 2E1, 4E1 e 8E1 para PCI ou PCI Express.
>> Channel Bank -- Appliance Asterisk - Acessewww.aligera.com.br.
>> _______________________________________________
>> Para remover seu email desta lista, basta enviar um email em branco paraasteriskbrasil-unsubscribe em listas.asteriskbrasil.org
> _______________________________________________
> KHOMP: completa linha de placas externas FXO, FXS, GSM e E1;
> Media Gateways de 1 a 64 E1s para SIP com R2, ISDN e SS7;
> Intercomunicadores para acesso remoto via rede IP. Conheça em www.Khomp.com.
> _______________________________________________
> ALIGERA -- Fabricante nacional de Gateways SIP-E1 para R2, ISDN e SS7.
> Placas de 1E1, 2E1, 4E1 e 8E1 para PCI ou PCI Express.
> Channel Bank -- Appliance Asterisk - Acesse www.aligera.com.br.
> _______________________________________________
> Para remover seu email desta lista, basta enviar um email em branco para asteriskbrasil-unsubscribe em listas.asteriskbrasil.org

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