[AsteriskBrasil] arquivos de lingua gem / language files
Craig Thompson
craig em wordpower.org
Quinta Outubro 25 17:21:06 BRST 2012
On Oct 25, 2012, at 7:31 AM, Alex Sander <sanderdabio at globo.com> wrote:
> http://www.delete.com.br/audios-asterisk-1-6-em-pt_br/
Muito obrigado, Alex.
Sera que alguem tem os arquivos para os seguintes partes do Asterisko? Estes nao sao incluidos no Disc-OS-1-6. Tambem, sera que alguem teria informacao se a pasta no Yahoo-Groupos Asterusko Brazil tem arquivos diferentes do Disc-OS arquivo.
Thank you, Alex.
Does anyone have sound files for the following parts of Asterisk? These are not included on Disc-OS-1.6. Also, does anyone know if the files on Yahoo-Groups Asterisk Brazil has different files than the Disc-OS file archive?
conf-adminmenu-162: Please press 1 to mute or unmute yourself, 2 to lock or unlock the conference, 3 to eject the last user, 4 or 6 to decrease or increase the conference volume, 5 to extend the conference, 7 or 9 to decrease or increase your volume, or 8 to exit.
conf-extended: The conference has been extended.
conf-nonextended: The conference cannot be extended.
conf-now-muted: The conference is now muted.
conf-now-recording: The conference is now being recorded.
conf-now-unmuted: The conference is now unmuted.
conf-roll-callcomplete: Roll call complete.
conf-usermenu-162: Please press 1 to mute or unmute yourself, 4 or 6 to decrease or increase the conference volume, 5 to extend the conference, 7 or 9 to decrease or increase your volume, or 8 to exit.
confbridge-join: <beep ascending>
confbridge-leave: <beep decending>
confbridge-begin-glorious-a: the conference will begin when our glorious leader arrives
confbridge-begin-glorious-b: the conference will begin when our glorious leader arrives
confbridge-begin-glorious-c: the conference will begin when our glorious leader arrives
confbridge-begin-leader: the conference will begin when the leader arrives
confbridge-conf-begin: the conference will now begin
confbridge-conf-end: the conference has ended
confbridge-dec-list-vol-in: To decrease the audio volume from other participants...
confbridge-dec-list-vol-out: ...to decrease the audio volume from other participants.
confbridge-dec-talk-vol-in: To decrease your speaking volume to other participants...
confbridge-dec-talk-vol-out: ...to decrease your speaking volume to other participants.
confbridge-has-joined: ...has joined the conference.
confbridge-has-left: ...has left the conference.
confbridge-inc-list-vol-in: To increase the audio volume from other participants...
confbridge-inc-list-vol-out: ...to increase the audio volume from other participants.
confbridge-inc-talk-vol-in: To increase your speaking volume to other participants...
confbridge-inc-talk-vol-out: ...to increase your speaking volume to other participants.
confbridge-invalid: You have entered an invalid option.
confbridge-leave-in: To leave the conference...
confbridge-leave-out: ...to leave the conference.
confbridge-locked: The conference is now locked.
confbridge-lock-extended: ...to lock, or unlock the conference. When a conference is locked only conference administrators can join.
confbridge-lock-in: To lock, or unlock the conference...
confbridge-lock-no-join: The conference is currently locked and cannot be joined.
confbridge-lock-out: ...to lock, or unlock the conference.
confbridge-menu-exit-in: To exit the menu...
confbridge-menu-exit-out: ...to exit the menu.
confbridge-muted: You are now muted.
confbridge-mute-extended: ...to mute, or unmute yourself. When you are muted you can not send audio to other participants. However you will still hear audio from other unmuted participants.
confbridge-mute-in: To mute or unmute yourself...
confbridge-mute-out: ...to mute or unmute yourself.
confbridge-only-one: There is currently one other participant in the conference.
confbridge-only-participant: You are currently the only participant in the conference.
confbridge-participants: ...participants in the conference.
confbridge-pin: Please enter your personal identification number followed by the pound, or hash key.
confbridge-pin-bad: You have entered too many invalid personal identification numbers.
confbridge-removed: You have been removed from the conference.
confbridge-remove-last-in: To remove the participant who most recently joined the conference...
confbridge-remove-last-out: ...to remove the participant who most recently joined the conference.
confbridge-rest-list-vol-in: To reset the audio volume of the conference to the default level...
confbridge-rest-list-vol-out: ...to reset the audio volume of the conference to the default level.
confbridge-rest-talk-vol-in: To reset your speaking volume to the default level...
confbridge-rest-talk-vol-out: ...to reset your speaking volume to the default level.
confbridge-there-are: There are currently...
confbridge-unlocked: The conference is now unlocked.
confbridge-unmuted: You are no longer muted.
dictate/both_help: press * to toggle pause, press # to enter a new dictation filename
dictate/enter_filename: Enter a numeric dictation filename followed by # or just # to exit
dictate/forhelp: press 0 for help
dictate/paused: paused
dictate/pause: pause
dictate/playback_mode: playback mode
dictate/playback: playback
dictate/play_help: press 1 to switch to record mode, press 2 to toggle fast playback, press 7 to jump backwards, press 8 to jump forwards
dictate/record_help: press 1 to switch to playback mode, press 8 to truncate the file and start over
dictate/record_mode: record mode
dictate/record: record
dictate/truncating_audio: truncating audio
digits/a-m: A.M.
dir-first: letters of your party's first name.
dir-firstlast: ... letters of your party's first or last name.
dir-last: ... letters of your party's last name.
dir-multi1: Press ...
dir-multi2: ... for ...
dir-multi3: ... extension ...
dir-multi9: Press 9 for more entries.
dir-pls-enter: Please enter the first ...
dir-usingkeypad: ... using your touchtone keypad. Use the 7 key for Q, and the 9 key for Z.
dir-welcome: Welcome to the directory
letters/ascii123: left brace
letters/ascii124: pipe
letters/ascii125: right brace
letters/ascii126: tilde
letters/ascii34: quote
letters/ascii36: dollar sign
letters/ascii37: percent
letters/ascii38: ampersand
letters/ascii39: tick
letters/ascii40: open parenthesis
letters/ascii41: close parenthesis
letters/ascii42: star
letters/ascii44: comma
letters/ascii58: colon
letters/ascii59: semicolon
letters/ascii60: less than
letters/ascii62: greater than
letters/ascii63: question mark
letters/ascii91: left bracket
letters/ascii92: backslash
letters/ascii93: right bracket
letters/ascii94: caret
letters/ascii95: underscore
letters/ascii96: backtick
letters/asterisk: asterisk
pbx-parkingfailed: Parking attempt failed.
privacy-incorrect: I'm sorry, that number is not valid.
privacy-prompt: Please enter your phone number, starting with the area code.
privacy-thankyou: Thank you.
privacy-unident: The party you are trying to reach does not accept unidentified calls.
priv-callee-options: Dial 1 if you wish this caller to reach you directly now, and in the future. Dial 2 if you wish to send this caller to voicemail now and forevermore. Dial 3 to send this caller to the torture menus, now and forevermore. Dial 4 to send this caller to a polite "don't call" menu, now and forevermore. Dial 5 to allow this caller to come straight thru to you in the future, but just this once, send them to voicemail.
priv-callpending: I have a caller waiting, who introduces themselves as:
priv-introsaved: Thank you. Please hold, while I attempt to connect you with your party!
priv-recordintro: At the tone, please say your name.
queue-quantity1: Currently, there are more than ...
queue-quantity2: ... callers waiting to speak with a representative.
spy-agent: Agent
spy-console: Console
spy-dahdi: DAHDI
spy-h323: H.323
spy-iax2: IAX (note: does not say "2")
spy-iax: IAX
spy-jingle: Jingle
spy-local: Local
spy-mgcp: MGCP
spy-misdn: M I S D N
spy-mobile: Bluetooth Mobile
spy-nbs: N B S
spy-sip: SIP
spy-skinny: Skinny
spy-unistim: Unistim
spy-usbradio: USB Radio
spy-zap: Zap
vm-duration: This message lasts ...
vm-forward-multiple: press 1 to send this message, or 2 to add another recipient.
vm-invalidpassword: That is not a valid password. Please try again.
vm-invalid-password: That password does not meet the minimum requirements for this mailbox. Please try again.
vm-marked-nonurgent: Urgent status removed.
vm-marked-urgent: Message marked urgent.
vm-onefor-full: Press one to listen to ...
vm-opts-full: press 2 to access messages saved in other folders. Press 3 to record a message for another mailbox. Press 0 for greetings and password management.
vm-pls-try-again: please try again
vm-record-prepend: At the tone, please record an introduction to the forwarded message. When done, press the pound sign.
vm-review-nonurgent: Press 4 to remove the urgent status of this message.
vm-review-urgent: Press 4 to mark this message as urgent.
vm-tmpexists: There is a temporary greeting, which overrides your standard greetings.
vm-Urgent: urgent
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