[AsteriskBrasil] AsteriskNow num pendrive
Wilson Queiroz Ribeiro
wilson.engenharia em gmail.com
Quarta Agosto 1 17:21:33 BRT 2012
segue o passo a passo que uso para instalar o Elastix apartir do
pendrive, e ja funcionou con outras distro:
1 - download elastix and unetbootin to hard disk
2 - optional: download any iso mounting freeware like isodisk to view
the contents of the
iso file if needed
3 - on a partitioned USB disk(use a freeware to partition if needed)
run unetbootin as per instructions in other posts on the forum
(blogs.elastix.org/en/tag/elastixinstallusb/ ) and create a usb
linux bootable in the primary partition.
4 - remove the usb stick and reinsert (this was needed in order to
make the stick readwriteable)
5 - create a folder on this usb called rawiso and copy the downloaded
elastix iso file to this folder
6 - open ks_default.cfg on the usb stick with any editor (like
wordpad) and comment out the cdrom line with #
7 - reboot using the usb (make sure your machine reboots from the usb
set up the BIOS to
make it do that)
8 - in the unetbootin dialog choose linux and hit enter
9 - first error message you get would then be "cannot find kickstart
file on CDROM" () hit OK to this
10 - change the field in the next dialog from cdrom:/ks_default.cfg
to hd:sdb1/ks_default.cfg (sdb1 may be sdc1 on your machine depending
on how many hard disks there are try different values before you get
the right one)
11 - choose language and keyboard type
12 - in next dialog "installation method" choose hard drive (this
option comes up because you have changed the ks_default.cfg file and
commented out the cdrom line)
13 - in next dialog "select partition" choose the appropriate device
in my case /dev/sdb1 and in the field "directory holding images"
enter the
folder name from step 5 (in my case rawiso without any slashes) and hit enter
14 - get message "running anaconda..."
15 - get dialog "partitioning type" choose sdb1
16 - get dialog Review and modify partitioning layout?" > tab to Yes
and press enter
17 - If you have more than one drive in your computer, select the
correct partition of the USB drive to install on the USB( sdb3 in my
picked the partition on the USB outside
the primary where the system files are)
18 - get dialog "Would you like to configure eth0 network interface
in your system?" > tab to Yes and press enter
19 - Tick both "Activate on boot" and "Enable IPv4 support" by
pressing Space after tabbing. tab to OK and press enter
20 - In the "IPv4 Configuration for eth0" screen > tab to "Manual
address configuration" and press space to tick it.
21 - tab to IP Address and enter your IP address : normally
10.10.*.*..series for office networks and 192.168.*.* series for home
Fresh Boarder
Posts: 2
22 - tab to Prefix (Netmask) and enter 24 if your subnet mask is or 16 if it's or 8 if it's to
OK and
press enter..
23 - In the "Miscellaneous Network Settings" enter your gateway
address : ( replace with your correct gateway IP address )
24 - press tab and enter your Primary DNS in the Primary DNS field : ( replace with your correct DNS server ).. you may leave
2nd DNS empty for now..tab to OK and
press enter
25 - In the "Hostname Configuration" screen tab to "manually" and
enter your hostname : i used elastix ( replace with your own )
26 - In the "Time Zone Selection" untick "System clock uses UCT" and
tab to the city selection. Choose your nearest city by scrolling up or
down.tab to OK and press enter
27 - In the "Root Password" screen enter a password for your
installation. You can change this password at any time later.tab to OK
press enter
...it took about 45 mins for the installation until i got the next
prompt (i took this time to update the above steps and get coffee.. as
for you if
you are not a coffee person just get any other drink of your choice)
28 - you can go to any pc on the lan and using a browser to access
the login page to the elastix server by typing in the IP address
( in my case)
1. During the install:
a. In the partition/destination drive section select your hard drive
and deselect the USB drive.
2. Post install:
a. Reboot with the USB drive in place
b. Login to the system
c. Use grubinstall to make your hd bootable.
Fresh Boarder
Posts: 1
grubinstall /dev/sda
d. Edit the grub menu to select the hard drive:
nano /boot/grub/menu.lst
i. Change the line:
root (hd1,0)
root (hd0,0)
e. Save the changes, remove the USB drive and reboot
Em 1 de agosto de 2012 16:52, Leomar Soares de Almeida
<leomarsa em gmail.com> escreveu:
> Tenta esse cara q funciona!
> Universal USB Installer – Easy as 1 2 3
> http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/#button
> Em 1 de agosto de 2012 15:32, Wilson Ritt Iglesias <wilson.ritt em hotmail.com>
> escreveu:
>> Boa tarde, Hudson!
>> Meu querido, você pode tentar criar no teu pedrive uma partição bootável,
>> assim como fazemos quando queremos o windows instalando pelo mesmo. Não sei
>> se irá funcionar, por ser UNIX, mas tenta aí, se não funcionar dá um toque
>> que eu vejo o que podemos fazer =]
>> 1. Coloque seu Pen Drive em uma porta USB.
>> 2. Abra o Prompt de Comando
>> 3. Digite: DISKPART
>> 4. Já no DISKPART espere até o prompt do utilitário aparecer, assim:
>> DISKPART> e siga os passos abaixo:
>> DISKPART> SELECT DISK X (onde X é a letra da unidade que seu pen drive
>> está montado)
>> 5. Após concluir os passos acima, abra o Windows Explorer, copie o
>> conteúdo do CD de instalação para o Pendrive e tente dar boot!
>> Qualquer problemas, estamos aí!
>> []'s
>> Wilson Ritt Iglesias
>> WGO Telecom
>> ________________________________
>> From: hudsoncardoso em hotmail.com
>> To: asteriskbrasil em listas.asteriskbrasil.org
>> Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2012 17:46:30 +0000
>> Subject: [AsteriskBrasil] AsteriskNow num pendrive
>> Alguem ja conseguiu colocar o instalador do asteriskNow num
>> pendrive ?
>> Gostaria de fazer isso pra nao precisar do CD/DVD , peguei algumas
>> tutoriais sobre o assunto com live-usb creator, unetbootin, universal usb
>> installer...
>> entre outros, mas nao consegui instalar, alguem ja tentou algo parecido ?
>> Hudson
>> 048 8413 7000
>> 048 3039 8899 opcao 2
>> www.easyteltelecom.com.br
>> Para quem nao cre, nenhuma prova converte,
>> Para aquele que cre, nenhuma prova precisa.
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>> DIGIVOICE Fabricante de Placas de Voz e Channel Bank
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>> Centro Treinamento - Curso de PABX IP - Asterisk - Site
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>> YEALINK: Telefones IP e VídeoPhones IP com o melhor custo/benefício do
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> KHOMP Inovação: External Board Series
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> _______________________________________________
> DIGIVOICE Fabricante de Placas de Voz e Channel Bank
> 20 anos de experiência com E1(R2/ISDN), FXS, FXO e GSM
> Centro Treinamento - Curso de PABX IP - Asterisk - Site
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> YEALINK: Telefones IP e VídeoPhones IP com o melhor custo/benefício do
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Eng.º Wilson Q. Ribeiro
CREA 5061200483
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Office +55 17 4009-7200
MSN: wilson_engenharia em hotmail.com
Skype: wilson.engenharia
Rua:João Flórido, 547
São José do Rio Preto – São Paulo
CEP: 15077-130
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