[AsteriskBrasil] IVR
marco em trg.com.br
Domingo Fevereiro 20 07:51:41 BRT 2011
Bom dia, segue log da console
digito 7777 e após o amuncio das opções possiveis da URA, forcei um erro.
-- Executing [s em app-announcement-7:1] GotoIf("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "0?begin") in new stack
-- Executing [s em app-announcement-7:2] Answer("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "") in new stack
-- Executing [s em app-announcement-7:3] Wait("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "1") in new stack
-- Executing [s em app-announcement-7:4] NoOp("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "Playing announcement Unidas") in new stack
-- Executing [s em app-announcement-7:5] Playback("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "custom/unidas|noanswer") in new stack
-- <SIP/5656-b6b143c0> Playing 'custom/unidas' (language 'en')
-- Executing [s em app-announcement-7:6] Goto("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "timeconditions|5|1") in new stack
-- Goto (timeconditions,5,1)
-- Executing [5 em timeconditions:1] GotoIfTime("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "00:00-11:59|mon-sun|*|*?ivr-20|s|1") in new stack
-- Goto (ivr-20,s,1)
-- Executing [s em ivr-20:1] Set("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "MSG=custom/dia") in new stack
-- Executing [s em ivr-20:2] Set("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "LOOPCOUNT=0") in new stack
-- Executing [s em ivr-20:3] Set("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "__DIR-CONTEXT=") in new stack
-- Executing [s em ivr-20:4] Set("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "_IVR_CONTEXT_ivr-20=") in new stack
-- Executing [s em ivr-20:5] Set("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "_IVR_CONTEXT=ivr-20") in new stack
-- Executing [s em ivr-20:6] GotoIf("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "1?begin") in new stack
-- Goto (ivr-20,s,9)
-- Executing [s em ivr-20:9] Set("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "TIMEOUT(digit)=3") in new stack
-- Digit timeout set to 3
-- Executing [s em ivr-20:10] Set("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "TIMEOUT(response)=0") in new stack
-- Response timeout set to 0
-- Executing [s em ivr-20:11] Set("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "__IVR_RETVM=") in new stack
-- Executing [s em ivr-20:12] ExecIf("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "1|Background|custom/dia") in new stack
-- <SIP/5656-b6b143c0> Playing 'custom/dia' (language 'en')
-- Remote UNIX connection
-- Executing [s em ivr-20:13] WaitExten("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "|") in new stack
-- Timeout on SIP/5656-b6b143c0, going to 't'
-- Executing [t em ivr-20:1] DBdel("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "") in new stack
-- Executing [t em ivr-20:2] Set("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "__NODEST=") in new stack
-- Executing [t em ivr-20:3] GotoIf("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "1?timeconditions|9|1:|return|1") in new stack
-- Goto (timeconditions,9,1)
-- Executing [9 em timeconditions:1] GotoIfTime("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "00:00-23:59|*|25|jan?app-announcement-9|s|1") in new stack
-- Executing [9 em timeconditions:2] Goto("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "timeconditions|10|1") in new stack
-- Goto (timeconditions,10,1)
-- Executing [10 em timeconditions:1] GotoIfTime("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "00:00-23:59|sat-sun|*|*?app-announcement-10|s|1") in new stack
-- Executing [10 em timeconditions:2] GotoIfTime("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "18:01-23:59|mon-fri|*|*?app-announcement-10|s|1") in new stack
-- Executing [10 em timeconditions:3] GotoIfTime("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "00:00-08:59|mon-fri|*|*?app-announcement-10|s|1") in new stack
-- Executing [10 em timeconditions:4] Goto("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "timeconditions|8|1") in new stack
-- Goto (timeconditions,8,1)
-- Executing [8 em timeconditions:1] GotoIfTime("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "09:00-18:00|mon-fri|*|*?ivr-26|s|1") in new stack
-- Goto (ivr-26,s,1)
-- Executing [s em ivr-26:1] Set("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "MSG=custom/atendedora") in new stack
-- Executing [s em ivr-26:2] Set("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "LOOPCOUNT=0") in new stack
-- Executing [s em ivr-26:3] Set("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "__DIR-CONTEXT=") in new stack
-- Executing [s em ivr-26:4] Set("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "_IVR_CONTEXT_ivr-26=ivr-20") in new stack
-- Executing [s em ivr-26:5] Set("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "_IVR_CONTEXT=ivr-26") in new stack
-- Executing [s em ivr-26:6] GotoIf("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "1?begin") in new stack
-- Goto (ivr-26,s,9)
-- Executing [s em ivr-26:9] Set("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "TIMEOUT(digit)=3") in new stack
-- Digit timeout set to 3
-- Executing [s em ivr-26:10] Set("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "TIMEOUT(response)=3") in new stack
-- Response timeout set to 3
-- Executing [s em ivr-26:11] Set("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "__IVR_RETVM=") in new stack
-- Executing [s em ivr-26:12] ExecIf("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "1|Background|custom/atendedora") in new stack
-- <SIP/5656-b6b143c0> Playing 'custom/atendedora' (language 'en')
-- Remote UNIX connection disconnected
-- Invalid extension '9' in context 'ivr-26' on SIP/5656-b6b143c0
== CDR updated on SIP/5656-b6b143c0
-- Executing [i em ivr-26:1] Playback("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "invalid") in new stack
-- <SIP/5656-b6b143c0> Playing 'invalid' (language 'en')
== Spawn extension (ivr-26, i, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/5656-b6b143c0'
-- Executing [h em ivr-26:1] Hangup("SIP/5656-b6b143c0", "") in new stack
== Spawn extension (ivr-26, h, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/5656-b6b143c0'
segue o dialplan show s em from-pstn
easypbx*CLI> dialplan show s em from-pstn
[ Included context 'ext-did-0001' created by 'pbx_config' ]
's' => 1. Set(__FROM_DID=${EXTEN}) [pbx_config]
2. Gosub(app-blacklist-check|s|1) [pbx_config]
3. ExecIf($[ "${CALLERID(name)}" = "" ] |Set|CALLERID(name)=${CALLERID(num)}) [pbx_config]
5. SetCallerPres(allowed_not_screened) [pbx_config]
6. Goto(app-announcement-7|s|1) [pbx_config]
[ Included context 'ext-did-catchall' created by 'pbx_config' ]
'_.' => 1. Noop(Catch-All DID Match - Found ${EXTEN} - You probably want a DID for this.) [pbx_config]
2. Goto(ext-did|s|1) [pbx_config]
-= 2 extensions (8 priorities) in 2 contexts. =-
Obrigado pela força.
Marco Antonio
-------------Segue mensagem original!-------------
De: Asterisker BR <asteriskerbr em gmail.com>
Data: Sun, 20 Feb 2011 01:31:46 +0200
Para: asteriskbrasil em listas.asteriskbrasil.org
Assunto: Re: [AsteriskBrasil] IVR
Na console do Asterisk digite "dialplan show s em contexto-da-ura" e
verifique como as regras ficaram ativas no asterisk. Efetue uma
ligação para a ura e digite a opção que leva ao erro, depois encaminhe
o resultado da cli para a lista. Desta forma fica mais fácil ajudar.
Em 19/02/11, marco<marco em trg.com.br> escreveu:
> Boa tarde lista.
> Já montei várias URA's sem problema.
> Não sei porque, em um elastix, fiz todo o time condition, announcemet's e
> ivr.
> Obedece o time conditions, horário noturno e feriados.
> Quando o TC é para o expediente, ao digitar alguma opção da IVR (ex. 1 para
> suporte) o anuncio da IVR expediente retorna, se eu digitar qualquer outro
> nr que nao esteja na URA, mensagem de nr invalido. se deixar ir até o final
> da URA (onde tenho um hangup após o tempo determinado (t)) retorna novamente
> para URA.
> Se eu digitar um ramal qualquer, chega no destino.
> Problemas, a URA está em loop e nao obedece as opções.
> Alguem pode me ajudar, não estou conseguindo ver onde errei.
> Obrigado
> Marco Antonio
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