[AsteriskBrasil] pegar CallDate da chamada em extensão

Sylvio Jollenbeck sylvio.sdr em gmail.com
Quarta Março 31 22:48:18 BRT 2010

CDR Variables 

If the channel has a cdr, that cdr record has it's own set of variables which 
can be accessed just like channel variables. The following builtin variables 
are available and, unless specified, read-only. 

${CDR(clid)}	 Caller ID 
${CDR(src)}	 Source 
${CDR(dst)}	 Destination 
${CDR(dcontext)}	 Destination context 
${CDR(channel)}	 Channel name 
${CDR(dstchannel)}	 Destination channel 
${CDR(lastapp)}	 Last app executed 
${CDR(lastdata)}	 Last app's arguments 
${CDR(start)}	 Time the call started. 
${CDR(answer)}	 Time the call was answered. 
${CDR(end)}	 Time the call ended. 
${CDR(duration)}	 Duration of the call. 
${CDR(billsec)}	 Duration of the call once it was answered. 
${CDR(disposition)}	 ANSWERED, NO ANSWER, BUSY 
${CDR(accountcode)}	 The channel's account code (read-write). 
${CDR(uniqueid)}	 The channel's unique id. 
${CDR(userfield)}	 The channels uses specified field (read-write). 

In addition, you can set your own extra variables with a traditional 
Set(CDR(var)=val) to anything you want. 

NOTE Some CDR values (eg: duration & billsec) can't be accessed until the call has terminated. As of 91617, those values will be calculated on-demand if requested. Until that makes it into a stable release, you can set endbeforehexten=yes in cdr.conf, and then use the "hangup" context to wrap up your call. 

Em 31/03/2010, às 19:07, Moisés Paes Sena escreveu:

> Boa noite pessoal,
> Estou precisando pegar a hora que a chamada iniciou para gravar em uma tabela no banco de dados antes que a chamada termine, é o mesmo valor do campo "calldate" da tabela "cdr".
> Estou usando Asterisk 1.4.30 no Cent'OS 5.4
> Quero faz algo assim:
> -----------------------
> [from-pst]
> exten => n,1,NoOp(Hoda inicial da chamada ${CALLDATE});
> -----------------------
> Alguém sabe como pego este valor?
> -- 
> Moisés Paes Sena <moises em oriontec.com.br>
> (Desenvolvedor WEB)
> Oriontec Automação Comercial
> http://www.oriontec.com.br
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