[AsteriskBrasil] [NEWS] Stack Buffer Overflow in Asterisk's IAX2 Channel Driver
Rafael Melo
rafael.melo em informata.com.br
Quinta Julho 19 10:06:19 BRT 2007
> Stack Buffer Overflow in Asterisk's IAX2 Channel Driver
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The Asterisk IAX2 channel driver, chan_iax2, has a remotely exploitable
> stack buffer overflow vulnerability. It occurs when chan_iax2 is passed a
> voice or video frame with a data payload larger than 4 kB. This is
> exploitable by sending a very large RTP frame to an active RTP port number
> used by Asterisk when the other end of the call is an IAX2 channel.
> Exploiting this issue can cause a crash or allow arbitrary code execution
> on a remote machine.
> Vulnerable Systems:
> * Asterisk Open Source versions prior to 1.2.22
> * Asterisk Open Source versions prior to 1.4.8
> * Asterisk Business Edition versions prior to B.2.2.1
> * AsteriskNOW prerelease versions prior to beta7
> * Asterisk Appliance Developer Kit versions prior to 0.5.0
> * s800i (Asterisk Appliance) versions prior to 1.0.2
> Immune Systems:
> * Asterisk Open Source version 1.2.22
> * Asterisk Open Source version 1.4.8
> * Asterisk Business Edition B.2.2.1
> * AsteriskNOW Beta7
> * Asterisk Appliance Developer Kit version 0.5.0
> * s800i (Asterisk Appliance) version 1.0.2
> The specific conditions that trigger the vulnerability are the following:
> * iax2_write() is called with a frame with the following properties a
> voice or video frame
> * Its 4-byte timestamp has the same high 2 bytes as the previous frame
> that was sent
> * Its format is the one currently expected
> * Its data payload is larger than 4 kB
> iax2_write() calls iax2_send() to send the frame. Inside of iax2_send(),
> there is a conditional check to determine whether the frame should be sent
> immediately (the now variable) or queued for transmission later.
> If the frame is going to be transmitted later, an iax_frame struct is
> dynamically allocated with a data buffer that has the exact buffer size
> needed to accommodate for the provided ast_frame data. However, if the
> frame is being sent immediately, it uses a stack allocated iax_frame, with
> a data buffer size of 4096 bytes. Later, the iax_frame_wrap() function is
> used to copy the data from the ast_frame struct into the iax_frame struct.
> This function assumes the iax_frame data buffer has enough space for all
> of the data in the ast_frame.
> Resolution:
> This issue is only exploitable when the system is configured in such a way
> that calls between channels that use RTP and IAX2 channels are possible.
> Also, some additional protection against arbitrary code execution is
> provided if the call involves transcoding between audio formats as this
> will change the contents of the frame payload.
> All users that have systems that connect calls between channels that use
> RTP and IAX2 channels should immediately update to versions listed in the
> corrected in section of this advisory.
> CVE Information:
> <http://www.cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2007-3762>
> CVE-2007-3762
> The information has been provided by <mailto:russell em digium.com> Russell
> Bryant.
> The original article can be found at:
> <http://ftp.digium.com/pub/asa/ASA-2007-014.pdf>
> http://ftp.digium.com/pub/asa/ASA-2007-014.pdf
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