[AsteriskBrasil] celular
Wagner Oliveira
wagaobr em yahoo.com
Terça Julho 17 15:00:02 BRT 2007
José Carlos, como o Caio falou se voce quizer uma gateway profissional, veja isto aquí:
Dear Oliveira Wagner,
Thank you for your interest in Hypermedia's products.
This is to let you know that your request regarding PriceQuote - Hyperms.com:(ISDN GSM Gateway - HG-1600 Series) 8 Channels, has been received by our office, and has been referred to BS TECNOLOGIA., our representative in Brazil.
For your convenience their details are as follows:
keine b Alves
BS Tecnología
T: +55 552132319037
M: +55 21 93172683
kalves em bstecnologia.com.br
Wagner de Oliveira
Gateway - The gateway to the Brazil West Center Zone
GSM, PDH, SDH, WDM, DWDM, SWITCH and much more...
(62) 8409-5235
wagaobr em yahoo.com
Estou precisando de informações de como acrescentar 8 celulares ao asterisk.
Através de alguma placa?
Através de interfaces para celulares e placas fxs/fxo?
Tem outras formas, qual a melhor?
José Carlos
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