[AsteriskBrasil] fxo clone solucionado
neto2001 em onda.com.br
Terça Agosto 14 22:13:45 BRT 2007
ola a todos da lista
gostaria de avisar aos que como eu tiveram dificuldade de instalar oslec
echo canceler no trixbox saiu uma soluçao em pacote rpm
dicas retiradas do forum da distro trixbox
obs: meu resultado foi surpreendente
To start, this will all need to be done from the command line right now.
1. In your repos file, make sure that beta and devel are NOT enabled at this
time.(from the repos file, not from the trixbox dashboard)
2. yum -y update asterisk zaptel
3. rpm -del zaptel-modules-2.6.9-34.0.2.EL
4. Enable the Devel repo (from the repos file, not from the trixbox
You can now install the different available zaptel modules:
yum install zaptel-echo_octasic-modules-2.6.9-34.0.2.EL
yum install zaptel-echo_mg2-modules-2.6.9-34.0.2.EL
OSLEC (Open Source Line Echo Cancelation -- NEW)
yum install zaptel-echo_oslec-modules-2.6.9-34.0.2.EL
If you want to try the OSLEC (please please test this) then you need to
follow the rest of the steps below:
edit /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf and make sure echotraining is disabled
Reboot your system. When you're on an analog call you can type this command
to watch the echo can in action.
cat /proc/oslec/info
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