[AsteriskBrasil] New asterisk management tool
Fabio Vasco
fabiohvgomes em hotmail.com
Sábado Novembro 19 12:05:47 BRT 2005
Talvez vale a pena dar uma olhada e até testar... :) Gostei do esquema de
Estamos evoluindo... me alegro em saber que já não é só o AMP... é simples
mais pode melhorar...
New asterisk management tool
To: Asterisk Developers Mailing List <asterisk-dev em lists.digium.com>,
Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion
<asterisk-users em lists.digium.com>
Although I posted a demo a couple of weeks back, we have a new release of
our management gui that has a lot more user friendly features and has gone
through a bunch of testing. Still no name for it as it's mostly an internal
project, but we will come up with something asap. Right now I believe it's
ready for more input from the community. Before being read for beta testing
we want to get some documentation out. For the brave there is a download at
Althought the web gui is fairly straight forward, underneath are some
features we hope will be useful. Here is a basic feature rundown.
* Transparent multi tenant support.
* Template/Scripting system that allows a lot of different ways of laying
out the dialplan and configuration menus. It doesn't lock you into using any
particular layout, and it won't interfere with your existing configuration.
Distributions can be easily created that have different layouts or menus.
* Does not need to run on the same server as asterisk. You can run a simple
distributed ruby proxy on asterisk which will proxy all requests to
read/write files.
* Uses ruby on rails which provides a good MVC structure for the code.
Should be easier to modify then a typical php application.
* Can use postgresql, mysql, or sqlite3.
* Easy installation.
* Built in asterisk manager client and proxy.
* Separate web gui for voicemail users.
* Runs on linux and bsd. It should also run on windows we just haven't had
the time to test that yet.
All of that said there are still a few things that need to be done. Queues,
conferences, and call parking can't be managed yet, but that's simply
because we left them to last. Should be another week before those get in.
Zaptel configuration will probably come last, as we have no need for it but
will add it anyways since others will probably want it. A large part of the
system is the templating and scripting engine, which is not documented as of
yet. We also need to add some more default scripts. The demo is pretty light
but enough to give an idea of what you can do.
You can view the demo at http://asterisk.paymentonline.net:3000. The user
login is 'demo', password 'changeme'. The admin login is 'admin', password
'changeme'. Although it's easy enough to reset everything, deleting things
in the admin interface will make the demo a lot less usable, so please be
If you do want to install the distribution and play with it, it won't touch
any of your asterisk configuration files so don't worry about that. You
might need to email me about where to put the appropriate #include
statements though, as I don't think that is covered in docs/INSTALL.
And everything except for the Payment Online name and logo is BSD licensed.
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